Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Suspension

So now the new new site, for which I paid an entire $1.76, has been suspended too. At least this time I was given a reason (hosting illegal manga scans.) It does seem a lot like someone is trying to get MakiMaki suspended at each new webhost. Next time, I'll make sure the webhost I use already hosts at least a few other scanlation websites.

 Although I doubt it. If it's actually Futabasha or someone affiliated with them trying to get all the websites taken down, they should know that all they have to do is email me and I'll stop scanlating Girl Friends and never touch another manga published by your company.


  1. At least I was able to find the new site without problems this time!

    Doesn't the person who complained have anything better to do? Probably anti-lesbian fundamentalist neo-nazi christians... or something^_^

    Hopefully, this site keeps going, as I want more chapters of Girl Friend.

    Good luck, and thanks for the scans.


  2. I think someone finds solo manga scanlations easy so that's why probably you're being targeted. I wonder that would help if you make it a group scanlation or partner up with a group scanlation or something like that. It's just a thought, but maybe, it does work or not.

  3. keep up the hard work!
    thank u for keeping us inform. i finally found this blog.

    Maybe Miss Nina is right... but its up to u.

  4. Best of luck dealing with these suspensions. I really pity the hypothetical person actually reporting your sites.

  5. Whoever is doing this suspension stuff is a clown and needs to get a job inhaling methane gas. Keep kicking them in the face, Ris.

  6. See Ris?! I knew you'd be back again!!! Like I said, if they keep suspending your account, you'll just keep coming back again and again! But... I'm so sorry that you have to go through this every single time! jackbassv is right... lol that person/group suspending your account has no freaking life, man. My goodness! Anyway, I'm glad you're back though. Good luck with everything. I'm really sorry you have to go through this!!! But we're here to support you as best as we can, even through mere words. TT_____TT

    <3 Shiya*Terra

  7. I'm really sorry for all what is happenning to you and makimaki. I wish you the best courage to get over all those bad things.
    Thank you already for all what you have already done. Stay brave !

  8. Knew you'd come back! As rest of ppl are saying, this person/persons going around getting the site suspended at every turn are seriously annoying...after this long, why attack now? with ONE stoopid chap anycase keep us posted if it really is the publishing company.

  9. I feel partly responsible for all this. I posted something about the crackdown on scanlation sites on the original Maki Maki. At the time everyone seemed certain that nothing would come of it. It is for that reason that I posted anonymous and continue to do so. I was only trying to warn everybody and discuss the issue as it applied to us. I wonder if I did not inadvertently give someone an idea or tip someone off by suggesting the site was an issue. I am very sorry Ris if this is the case.

  10. Hi Ris. Finally found it, Thanks for the manga. Don't be disappointed, our support is with you.

  11. Wish you all the best of luck...

    Your site is really doing a great job and it would be really sad if this will be suspended permanently... There are so many people that really love and support your site so maybe those people who suspended your former sites were just jealous or something...

    Thanks for all your hard work....^_^

  12. I really don't think that this has anything to do with the publishing companies or the related crackdown on scanlation aggregation websites, because:

    1) MakiMaki is the only scanlation (not aggregation) website this seems to be happening to right now.

    2) Publishers have always contacted the scanlator first and asked them to stop first before going to the webhost, etc. and I haven't been contacted by any publishers.

  13. We all appreciate your perseverance though this... thing. Maybe taking on another manga or two and they're stop harassing you just for Girlfriends. Find someone else who's will to put in the time to help you with the multiple scanlations.

    And the person who's harassing you should just go back to lurking on 4chan where he belongs.

  14. I was just thinking, could it be that they have some sort of spiders or web bot (or whatever) that searches for keywords so they can easily hunt down the websites they want to take down? Like a "search and destroy" kind of thing.

    My point is, you've been using MakiMaki as your website name ever since they suspended your first site. Then it happened again at wordpress and I'm guessing you used it again recently. Have you thought about changing your url/website name to something else? It's worth the shot.

    I think you'll be okay using blogspot. There are a lot of scanlation site using it.. Most of them are even hentai! (straight hentai is just gross xD)

  15. Here's something interesting...seems that when I first traveled here, there wasn't a adult site warning, yet next morning there was...seems someone is going to the Contact section of each of the hosts and saying that MakiMaki is adult content...would explain the suspensions from the other services as they were REALLY against adult themes. Wonder who is stupid enough to be doing this??? Ya'll don't think its someone against Yuri itself do you?

  16. this is clearly the work of a hater! Worst, a troll who enjoys making us suffer!!

  17. I'm curious what hosts have given you trouble. Down the road it would be nice to host manga, even if it is just doujins - And it would be horrible if the site was just erased because someone complained.

  18. So far I've been suspended by:


    I marked this blog as adult myself about a day after I put it up. Just to be completely safe.

  19. it really sucks that all your other websites have been suspended Ris and who knows why but if it is any consolation I'm sure everyone here in the Yuri community and especially us GirlFriends fans are always going to be here to support you and no matter how many webhosts you go through we'll always end up finding them and supporting everything you do but hopefully this one will not get suspended best of luck and keep doing what you do Ris :]

  20. I don't think its a coincidence you keep getting suspended, and that totally sux ar$e. I mean these people have nothing better to do? Apparently not! Well I'm glad to see that you are back and not deterred *super hugglz*

    But I'm wondering, have you thought about maybe closed membership/community? Maybe even with IP logging?
    At least that way, you could narrow down who it seems to be.


  21. Gigglz, that's a great idea so we'd know who the culprit is. However, I believe in karma that will come to them for what they've done to you eventually. They'd definitely reap what they sow. It happens in my cases. (:

  22. Wow, really hoping the suspensions stop soon, it's ridiculous. The pattern does make it look like a personal attack.

    Perhaps just linking to downloads and to Dynasty's reader for now would be best until another webhost which won't suspend the site is found =/.

  23. hmmm
    instead of looking for a new site to host online manga, why not post a direct link download of your releases on blog site? XD

  24. hmmm
    instead of looking for a new site to host online manga, why not post a direct link download of your releases on blog site? XD

  25. Well...This seems like someone is certainly after your site. Prolly a jealous fan who had been trying to scanlate GF but your fan keeps putting them off and stayed loyal to you?

    I think TheLurker is right, for now you should just link to downloads and put the newest chapter to Dynasty's reader.

    Come to think of it, why dont you use the same webhost as dynasty?

  26. I agree with ranrannyan.. Dynasty hosts adult content too.. They also have an online reader.. (but the staff there are not as friendly as Ris.)

    What about an IRC Channel? Or instead of putting up another blogsite, why not create a forum with a download section? Fans can just go to dynasty to read the scans..

    For wordpress, I heard that they do suspend blogs hosting adult contents that why some hentai sites have a blogspot account as back-up.

  27. @Miss Nina, I totally hear that! Karma knows exactly where to find me unfortunately =/ Lol.
    I see what you're saying but at the same time, if we, Ris, can find out who it is now, Karma can just catch up later =P

    I don't mean to play devil's advocate, but linking to Dynasty might end up targeting them too, ne?

    Continuing to pick on MakiMaki is just ridiculous! Grr.


  28. Thank you so much for being with us,Ris
    please don't give up scanlating Girl Friends for us..
    we will have to figure this out and let's solve this problem together..
    right now,let's cross our fingers that blogspot won't close MakiMaki

  29. Why don't you use hosting sites from other country? Like Nicaragua?
    We do this all the time! And we got "love" e-mails from local authoritys but can't do nothing to bring us down, because they must sue us on Nicaraguan law base.

  30. Even if we could somehow get the IP address of the person doing this, it's not like we could do anything about it, and they may well just use a proxy/tor/have a dynamic IP.

  31. If it's actually Futabasha and they are thinking that GF scanlation is the case of smaller income for them then why they won't make GF in English ?? if it really have so much fans over the world it could be profitable for them and they would have real reason to complain about the scans on the net.
    Well I cant be sure but probably most of the GF fans dont know japanese so without scanlations even those who actually ordered the orginal Manga wont be able to read it.
    Not to mention that only thanks to Maki Maki most of us get to know there is such series.

    Maybe the real problem here is that the sales of Manga in Japan is going down because of Japanese customers who use raws from the net instead buying the manga ?. Fi this really is he case then.... I cant understand it ! I have to order it and spend a lot of money to get the Manga's I cant even read ( im learning Japanese but its still to early for me to read Kanji:( ! - but I do this anyway simple because I realy want to give my thanks to the Mangaka's effort and really cant understand people who have something easly to get for a relatively low price- ( the price of the manga isnt the real prblem here just this #$$@@! Shipping ! ) - and it is published in they own language ....and still goes for raws ?
    I really hope it isnt the case
    Maybe it is time to respond to complains of Japaese publishers and let them know that if they want stop the scanlations groups then publish it in some other languages to !!!
    Im not naive enough to think that GF and other Mangas being available in more languages will eliminate piracy completly but the people using it will lose the right to say "I cant read it in my language so why i have to buy it ?"

    And before someone ask this : Yes I have orginal GF volumes 1-3 and waiting for the last one to come out to get the rest of it. I would like to have my vol 4 now but the shipping rates killing me so I have to wait and make some planned shopping.

  32. Oh and I forgot to say
    Good Job Ris I hope this time You wont be suspended !
    Thank You for your effort too.

  33. i agree that you maybe should use the same web host as dynasty scans since they also host the online chapter and so far it's been safe. or you could just have a direct download and no online hosting...oh well either way good luck we're always supporting you

  34. Thank you for all the work, time, effort, and hassle you endure for us! We love you!

  35. ris!!! :) let me add you on fb :D or add me O_O anyways.... here's my e-add

  36. Sheesh, this is getting ridiculous. I hope this persecution will end soon, because you don't deserve this crap.
    Thanks for persevering, and good luck.

  37. I was wondering if you guys still are up to translate and sub the Saki picture dramas some time? :)

  38. Sure my words will not really change anything, but I am supporting you, and I'm sure every Yuri-lovers in the internet do the same, so continue because in the end the good guy always wins ;)

  39. Thanks for persevering Ris, and for all that you've given us!

    I do wonder if this is happening because the most recent chapter involved actual, shown sex. It's mind-boggling to think that someone has followed Girl Friends all this time and now flips out because it's gotten explicit, but if that isn't what happened, it's quite a coincidence.

    One chapter to go! Don't let a jerk get you down. There are way more people who wish you well!


    what is going on? now heartlesseponine is down!

  41. I would never have bought or even known about GF had you and others not scanlated it! Too bad the manga is in Japanese only. Well, if there were any way to repay all the hard work everyone has done, I would die happy :DDD

  42. You can use altervista as host. I am sure that they won't suspend you! Also blogspot won't even do it...
    Sorry for probable mistakes but I am not English and neither American!

    Girl Friends is Amazing! Will the last chapter go out to the first of September?

  43. Blogger sends you a take down notice email before they suspend your account. At least they do things the right way.

  44. Sempai, this is for you:


    above is a good amv of Girlfriends

  46. What happened is such a pity... you'll always remain the one who made me (and the others) discover GF. And that was really something great! Thanks for all your hard work Ris! Gambate!

  47. With all that has happened, will the last chapter of GF be released? If ever when? Just curious... =.=

  48. wow that sucks huh. Why are ppl so petty? Anyway thanks for all your hard work and I hope you will survive to see another GF chapter :)

    頑張って Risさん!

  49. hey guys the raws

  50. now girlfriend its end can you translate... Shitsurakuen? its a very good manga

    T_T please

    ty for all the work you done

  51. Ris!! I can't believe it... you finished translating the last chapter of Girl Friends for us (or... for yourself? haha)! It really IS greatly appreciated among the yuri fans out here. Thank you ohhhhhhh so much! <3 And I hope you're not having any more issues with that suspended website crap.

    Lots of love ^^

  52. Ris, Thanks a lot beautiful translation.
    I hope there will be a omake and you could translate it

  53. OMG, is someone targeting the new site? Only the menu is showing up on now...

  54. hey~~~ Ris!!
    i am glad that MakiMaki has return to normal,the site is back!!
    so glad(*´`*)
    hopefully MakiMaki will be able to operate as usual!!
    we will always support MakiMaki,thank you for the hard work,Ris!!
    m(_ _)m

  55. So...where are you now?
